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Selenium for Fertility

Selenium for Fertility


DISCLAIMER: This article has been written for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

You and your partner are not alone if you are having difficulty conceiving a child together. 10% to 15% of married couples in the United States suffer from infertility.

For most couples, infertility is defined as the inability to conceive a child while engaging in sexual activity on a regular and unprotected basis for a period of at least a year.

Infertility can be caused by a problem with either you or your partner, or it could be the consequence of a combination of conditions that make pregnancy impossible.

You are in luck since there are a number of treatments that are both risk-free and efficient that can dramatically boost your chances of conceiving a child.

Table of Content

  • What exactly is infertility?
  • What are the most prevalent factors?
  • The factors that lead to male infertility
  • The factors that lead to female infertility
  • Selenium for Fertility
  • Precautions for taking Selenium for Fertility
  • Final Words

What exactly is infertility?

Infertility is a condition that affects the reproductive system and leads to a diminished capacity to carry a pregnancy to term.

What are the most prevalent factors?

An amazing amount of things need to go according to plan for there to be a healthy baby at the end of a pregnancy.

In point of fact, the more we learn about and comprehend reproduction, the more incredible it appears that it even takes place at all.

For instance, a healthy egg must form and be ovulated, the sperm must be of sufficient amount and quality, the uterus and fallopian tubes must operate regularly, hormonal disorders must be absent, and the timing must be just right.

Infertility can be caused by abnormalities in any one of these processes, as well as in a great number of others.

The factors that lead to male infertility

These may include the following:

  1. Generation or function of abnormal sperm as a result of genetic flaws, undescended testicles, health issues such as diabetes, or infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV. The presence of enlarged veins in the testicles, commonly known as varicoceles, can have an impact on the quality of the sperm.
  2. There may be problems with the release of sperm as a result of sexual disorders, such as premature ejaculation; specific hereditary diseases, such as cystic fibrosis; structural abnormalities, blockage in the testicle; or injury to the reproductive organs.
  3. An excessive amount of contact with particular environmental components, such as radiation, chemical pesticides, and other chemicals. Medications used to treat bacterial infections, high blood pressure, and depression, as well as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and using marijuana or anabolic steroids, can all have an adverse effect on fertility. A rise in core body temperature, which can occur after prolonged exposure to heat in environments like saunas or hot tubs, may have an impact on sperm production.
  4. Damage caused by cancer and the treatments for cancer, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The treatment of cancer can occasionally have a significant negative impact on sperm production.

The factors that lead to female infertility

Possible factors that lead to female infertility are as follows:

  1. Ovulation disorders are conditions that prevent eggs from being released normally from the ovaries. These conditions include polycystic ovarian syndrome and other hormonal abnormalities.
  2. A condition known as hyperprolactinemia, in which an abnormally high level of prolactin (the hormone that stimulates the production of breast milk) is present, has the potential to inhibit ovulation. Either having an excess of thyroid hormone, also known as hyperthyroidism or not having enough of it, also known as hypothyroidism, can disrupt the menstrual cycle or lead to infertility. Other potential underlying causes could include eating problems, malignancies, or excessive amounts of activity.
  3. Anomalies of the uterus or the cervical region, such as abnormalities with the cervix, polyps in the uterus, or an irregular shape to the uterus. Infertility can be caused by benign tumors in the uterine wall known as uterine fibroids. These tumors can block the fallopian tubes or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus, both of which are necessary for pregnancy.
  4. Injury to or obstruction of the fallopian tube, most commonly brought on by inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis). This condition can arise as a consequence of pelvic inflammatory illness, which is typically brought on by endometriosis, adhesions, or a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
  5. Endometriosis, which develops when endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, has the potential to disrupt the normal functioning of the ovaries, the uterus, and the fallopian tubes.
  6. When the ovaries stop functioning and menstruation stops before the age of 40, a condition known as primary ovarian insufficiency (early menopause) occurs. Even though the root cause of early menopause is frequently unidentified, researchers have identified a number of risk factors associated with the condition. These include diseases of the immune system, certain genetic conditions such as Turner syndrome or carriers of Fragile X syndrome, and treatment with radiation or chemotherapy.
  7. Pelvic adhesions are bands of scar tissue that bind organs together and can arise as a result of a pelvic infection, endometriosis, appendicitis, or surgery on the abdomen or pelvis.
  8. The disease of cancer and its treatment Infertility is a common side effect of several malignancies, particularly those that affect the reproductive system. There is a possibility that fertility will be affected by both chemotherapy and radiation.

Selenium for Fertility

According to research, a lack of selenium in the diet may increase the risk of having a miscarriage as well as lower the quality of the sperm. When combined with vitamin E, selenium may enhance the quality of sperm and may also increase the health of the follicular fluid that surrounds the eggs that women produce.

Here you can check out Vorst's  Lycopene with Zinc and Selenium 30mg 60 Capsules and Selenium 90 Capsules 200mcg.

Precautions for taking Selenium for Fertility

Selenium causes stomachache, headache, as well as a rash. Hair loss, weariness, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss might result from high doses.

Organ failure and death can result in large doses. Selenium may be safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding at doses below 400 mcg daily.

Final Words

Lifestyle factors do so to some degree, but probably to a far less degree than the majority of people believe they do.

For instance, approximately 12 percent of all cases of infertility are caused by the woman weighing too much or too little then she should be for her height and frame.

The good news is that this can be reversed in many different situations. Another aspect of one's lifestyle that might contribute to infertility is the habit of smoking cigarettes.