R-Alpha Lipoic Acid vs Alpha Lipoic Acid – Vitamins and Supplements Online Canada - Shop With Free Shipping

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R-Alpha Lipoic Acid vs Alpha Lipoic Acid

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid vs Alpha Lipoic Acid


Disclaimer: This content has been produced purely for informational and educational purposes only and is never intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical guidelines including diagnosis, advice, and treatment. 


Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • What is R-alpha-lipoic acid?
  • What is alpha-lipoic acid?
  • Which is better: R-ALA or ALA?
  • Conclusion


Alpha-lipoic acid, an intrinsic compound, assumes a crucial responsibility in the promotion of human health. Being a potent antioxidant, it defends cells against the detrimental effects of free radicals that result in aging and afflictions. Besides this, it participates in the process of energy generation, allowing the conversion of glucose into energy. In the ensuing paragraphs, we shall delve into the discrepancies between R-alpha-lipoic acid (R-ALA) and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA).


What is R-alpha-lipoic acid?

The natural form of ALA found within the body is referred to as R-ALA, which possesses a potent antioxidant nature that combats free radicals and safeguards cells from harm. Moreover, R-ALA assists in the process of energy production and has the potential to regulate blood sugar levels.

Health-wise, R-ALA offers several benefits. It thwarts the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease due to its antioxidant properties. Its anti-inflammatory attributes can lessen inflammation throughout the body. Research also indicates that it can enhance insulin sensitivity, making it helpful for individuals with type 2 diabetes. In addition, R-ALA can enhance cognitive function, which can be advantageous for individuals with Alzheimer's disease.

R-ALA, being the natural form of ALA, is absorbed by the cells with ease compared to the synthetic form of ALA, which is commonly found in supplements. Even though ALA is capable of counteracting free radicals and shielding cells from injury, it is not as effective as R-ALA. Recent studies have shown that R-ALA is twelve times more effective in neutralizing free radicals and protecting cells from damage than ALA. R-ALA has been deemed more effective in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation than ALA.


What is Alpha-Lipoic Acid?

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid that is synthesized endogenously and can also be found in certain food sources, including broccoli, spinach, and yeast. Its potent antioxidant capabilities make it a valuable ally in the fight against oxidative stress and free radical damage. Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, ALA has numerous health benefits. It is frequently employed in the treatment of nerve damage induced by diabetes, as well as an assortment of other ailments such as liver disease, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease.

It also reinforces the immune system, enhances cognitive performance, and shields against specific types of cancer. R-ALA is the more bioactive form of ALA and is present in higher quantities in the body. Although both R-ALA and ALA share similar antioxidant abilities, R-ALA is believed to be more effective owing to its superior bioavailability and ability to regenerate other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E.


Which is Better: R-ALA or ALA?

Studies have shown that R-ALA is more effective than ALA in reducing oxidative stress and protecting against cellular damage, mainly due to its better bioavailability and ability to regenerate other antioxidants. Both R-ALA and ALA are generally considered safe when taken at recommended dosages, but some individuals may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain. High doses of ALA have been associated with a decrease in blood sugar levels, so individuals with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when taking ALA.

The recommended dosage of ALA varies depending on the health condition being treated. For general antioxidant support, a dosage of 600-1200mg per day is typically recommended. However, since R-ALA is more potent, lower dosages may be sufficient to achieve similar effects.


Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant that offers a wide range of health benefits. R-alpha-lipoic acid (R-ALA) is the more biologically active form of ALA and is thought to be more effective due to its greater bioavailability and ability to regenerate other antioxidants. Both R-ALA and ALA are generally considered safe when taken in recommended dosages.

Overall, while both R-ALA and ALA offer numerous health benefits, R-ALA is generally considered to be the more effective of the two due to its greater bioavailability and ability to regenerate other antioxidants. However, the specific health condition being treated and individual factors such as age and medical history may influence which form of ALA is more appropriate for each individual. It is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.


Here you can check out Vorst's Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 600mg 90 Vegan Capsules and Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg 90 Capsules.

Also check out our R-ALA Formula.


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