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Colostrum and Hair Growth

Colostrum and Hair Growth


Disclaimer: This content has been produced purely for informational and educational purposes only and is never intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical guidelines including diagnosis, advice, and treatment.  

As the first food for newborn babies colostrum is densely packed with a wide range of vital nutrients such as growth factors, lactoferrin, antioxidants, antibodies, polypeptides, and many more, all of which have significant anti-infective, immunomodulating, and growth-supporting benefits. Therefore, there is of course a close link between colostrum and hair growth. Wanna know how? Let’s dig together a little deeper. 

In this article, we’ll be exploring the relationship between colostrum and hair growth according to scientific studies. But before we get into how colostrum can help with hair growth, we need to have a basic understanding of the causes of hair issues first. So, let’s get started. 

Table of contents 

  • Understanding hair growth issues 
  • What is colostrum? 
  • Colostrum and hair growth 
  • How to use colostrum supplements 
  • Precautions and side effects 
  • Final words 

Understanding hair growth issues 

Thinning hair or hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. A variety of factors may be involved in various types of hair issues. The list of why hair problems occur may range from food habits to family history to autoimmunity. Factor what's causing the hair issue can determine whether hairs can regrow on their own, or need treatment to regrow.  

The healthiness and growth of hair are highly influenced by nutrition. Research findings suggest that a lack of essential nutrients critical for normal cell growth and function may negatively impact hair growth and contribute to various types of hair issues. 

Certain nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals such as biotin, iodine, iron, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin D, and E play an essential role in healthy hair growth and may help reverse and prevent hair thinning and shedding. 

When the body doesn’t get enough of these nutrients, it creates hidden stress. Excess stress may lead to conditions involved in hair issues, including thyroid disorder and telogen effluvium. Thyroid disorder may slow down hair growth and cause hair loss. Telogen effluvium is a condition where the hair follicles prematurely stop growing and stay in a resting phase called telogen.    

What is colostrum? 

Colostrum is a special milky biological body fluid, also referred to as first milk, produced by mammals, including humans, just after giving birth to a baby. It is rich in vital nutrients that protect newborns from diseases and promotes growth in newborns, making it perfect for caring for a baby, unlike anything else.

Though colostrum is produced typically to benefit newborns, it can be used in other phases of life as well through a form of supplement. In supplement form, colostrum is usually derived from cows, which is why it is often called bovine colostrum. Bovine colostrum is quite similar to human colostrum - densely packed with growth hormones, vitamins, minerals, disease-fighting proteins, digestive enzymes, and the list goes on.  

Colostrum and hair growth 

Colostrum can help with hair growth in several ways. It can improve the hair growth cycle by converting hair follicles from telogen (the resting phase) to anagen (the growth phase). Colostrum has several growth factors that can stimulate the proliferation of follicle stem cells and help hairs to regrow. 

Moreover, colostrum has been found to be effective in inhibiting the activities of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a potent form of the androgen hormone testosterone, which is also a leading culprit for causing hair loss in men and women. DHT influences hair follicles to become smaller and stop growing. Colostrum has the capacity to address DHT-induced arrest of the cell cycle and promote hair regrowth.  

A very recent 2022 study published in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology revealed that colostrum has the potential to promote hair regeneration through the transition of hairs from the resting phase to the growth phase and could be used as an effective treatment modality for alopecia or hair loss. 

How to use colostrum supplements 

Though the doses of colostrum supplements may vary from person to person depending on the severity of the symptoms and specific health conditions, in general, the standard recommendation ranges between 20 g to 60 g per day, which can be taken into two to four divided doses. Colostrum is generally recommended on an empty stomach, or at least 30 mins before or 2 hours after taking a meal. 

Precautions and side effects 

Colostrum seems to be safe and well-tolerated for most people. People who are allergic to milk products should avoid colostrum supplements as they trigger allergic reactions. 

Besides, various antibiotics and synthetic hormones are used to raise cows on the farm and these compounds may be present in the supplements too. Colostrum used in supplements should be tested properly to ensure the final product doesn’t contain any harmful substance. 

Therefore, when you decide to buy colostrum supplements, it’s important to choose only reputed brands like Vorst from Canada that responsibly source their ingredients to produce high-quality dietary supplements.  

Finally, there is not enough evidence available to determine whether colostrum is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It’s recommended to consult with a qualified nutritionist or natural medicine expert to determine the best dose and safety precautions.  

Final words 

Colostrum and hair growth are closely linked to each other. Colostrum is densely packed with vital nutrients including vitamins, minerals, growth factors, and proteins, all of which play an important role in promoting hair growth and reversing hair loss and thinning. Recent research findings suggest that colostrum can transform hairs from the resting phase to the growth phase and rescue follicle development from DHT-induced arrest. To determine the best dose and safety of colostrum, consider working with a licensed healthcare professional.

Here you can see Vorst’s specially formulated Hair Growth Formula Capsules that contain all essential nutrients for healthy hair growth.  

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